Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the PGT post in Chemistry permanent vacancies for the Academic year 2021 -22.

Sainik School PGT Recruitment - Chemistry Post:

S. No

Name of Post



No. of post & Cat

Pay scale










PGT Chemistry



Between 21 to 40 yrs as on 01 Jun 2021

(a)    M Sc Chemistry from a recognized university with at least 50% marks in aggregate in the subject


(b)   B Ed

(c)    Proficiency in teaching in English medium.





01 UR

8 th Pay level of VIIth CPC (Basic Pay 47,600) + DA + Other admissible allowances & benefits. Pension (New scheme) and perks like LTC, Bonus, subsidized schooling for two children, rent free accommodation, free food with cadets during session etc. as applicable

Application Procedure:

Fill the application from through the google forms.

Link are available in the school website. download the application form and forward the same duly filled to The Principal, Sainik School. Kazhakootam, Trivandrum, Kerala, Pin: 695 585

Application with photocopies of the Mark sheets, testimonial, and DD in favor of principal in favor of 'Principal,  Sainik School. Kazhakootam, Payable at any Nationalized bank at Trivandrum

  • Rs. 500/- for General and Rs. 250/- for SC/St category (nonrefundable) for TGTs, PGTs, Art master & Counsellor

  • Rs 250/- for general Category and Rs 150/- for SC/ST Category (nonrefundable) for Matron / Warden & GE Ladies and Lady PTI
  • No TA/DA is admissible to the candidates called for Test/ Interview. The school administration reverses the right to cancel the vacancy due to administrative / policy reasons. No refund will be made to reject applicants. Applications will be considered only after receiving the hard copies of the documents.

Applicants whose applications were received earlier i.e., up to 22 Dec 2020( During lockdown period) fulfilling eligibility conditions (including age criteria) need not apply fresh candidates. Their application will be considered for the said appointment

  • The last date for receipt the application in the school will be intimated through the school website 
  • Date of written examination and list of candidates to appear for the written exam, after verifying the application forms will be uploaded to the school website
  •  A personal will be send to the eligible candidates to intimate about the exam for the said post
  • The format of the application form including other details regarding pay scale, eligibility criteria and other related information are available on the school website

                 "Genius is 1 Percent inspiration 
 & 99 percent perspiration"

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